Code | Date | City | Fees | Register |
T014 | May 12, 2024 - May 16, 2024 | Berlin | $ 5000 |
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T014 | August 11, 2024 - August 22, 2024 | Online | $ 3000 |
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T014 | November 10, 2024 - November 14, 2024 | Dubai – UAE | $ 5000 |
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T014 | February 23, 2025 - February 27, 2025 | Dubai – UAE | $ 5000 |
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- Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Recognize and understand how a valve works
- Appreciate the different types of valves available
- Apply valve sizing techniques, using software and other methods of calculation
- Appraise the advantages and disadvantages of various types of positioners
- Experiment with correctly tuning a control valve .
- Have an understanding of the different types of pumps .
- Be able to operate pumps as close as possible to the design efficiency.
- Will be able to monitor pump efficiency, availability and reliability.
- Be able to troubleshoot pump problems.
The Delegates
- This course would primarily be aimed at people within the Instrumentation, Electrical, Mechanical, Process disciplines, who are actively involved in the utilization of valves (control or shut-off) and actuators, as well as those people who have the additional responsibility of sizing the valves, and making a decision on the composition and make-up of the valve.
- It would also be of great value to those individuals who either have a keen interest in the field, or who have to manage the people working on the various valves , actuators and pumps . (In this respect, one could think in terms of Process Control Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Industrial Engineers, Designers and the like.).
- Introduction .
- Day One :
- Understanding the purpose of a control valve
- The principles of a control valve
- The various flow conditions that can be experienced, inside a control valve
- Dealing with pressure drops, inside a control valve
- Laminar flow & Turbulent flow
- Reynolds numbers
- Understanding vortices and flow separation
- What happens to pressures and flows, in a liquid application, controlled by a valve?
- What happens to pressures and flows, in a gas application, controlled by a valve?
- Understanding Cv, Choked flow, the vena contracta & Vapour pressure
- Flashing & Cavitation
- The requirements of a control valve
- The broad classification of control valves
- The classification of valves, by operation and by function
- Various hardware, associated with valves
- Cage valves, Split-body valves
- Globe valves, Needle valves
- Angled valves, Y-styled valves & 3-way valves
- Pinch valves & Gate valves
- Choke valves & Check valves
- Single-seated versus double-seated valves
- Balanced valves
- The principles of valve guiding
- Butterfly valves & Ball valves
- Rotary plug valves & Diaphragm valves
- Day Two
- Pinch valves
- Valve type selection, making use of a flow chart
- Additional equipment, associated with valves
- Valves and how they fit into the greater scheme of P&ID diagrams
- Leakage in valves
- Calculation of seat leakage rates
- Equal percentage characteristics
- Linear valve characteristics
- Quick opening valve characteristics
- Inherent versus installed characteristics
- Manually sizing a control vale, for a liquid application
- Understanding valve sizing software, what it can do, and what you can achieve
- Actuators, and how they fit into the greater scheme of control valves
- Pneumatic actuators
- Diaphragm pneumatic actuators
- Piston pneumatic actuators
- Rotary vane pneumatic actuators
- Electric actuators
- Hydraulic actuators
- Day Three
- Benchset and stroking of a control valve
- The purpose of a valve positioner
- Using SMART positioners
- Cavitation, within a control valve
- Cavitation control trims
- Disc stacks, used for cavitation control
- Other examples of devices used for cavitation control
- Dealing with noise in a valve
- Making use of low-noise cages
- Making use of diffuser plates
- Gas diffuser silencers
- Sonic chokes
- Choosing the best form of noise limitation
- Materials that are used, in the construction of various valves
- Dealing with corrosion and erosion
- Control valve maintenance
- Backlash, inside a valve
- Stiction as found in some valves
- Pressure relief devices
- Safety Instrumented System (SIS) valves
- The PID controller, as used with various control valves
- Selecting the right controller action for a control valve (as some valves fail in the OPEN position, whereas others fail in the CLOSED position)
- Understanding the Proportional Band Percent / Gain option, of a PID controller which will be used to operate a control valve
- Understanding the Reset / Integral option, of a PID controller which will be used to operate a control valve
- Combining various aspects, such as PI control, when operating a control valve
- Day Four
- Understanding the Rate / Derivative option, of a PID controller which will be used to operate a control valve
- How to tune a PID controller, by making use of an open-loop tuning methodology, when you are working with a control valve that operates on a self-regulating process
- How to tune a PID controller, by making use of a closed-loop tuning methodology, when you are working with a control valve that operates on an integrating process
- Non-formalised (and therefore well suited to times when you do not have access to a calculator / computer) methods of tuning a controller, for a control valve out in the field
- Control valves that can be used, in cascade loops
- Control valves that can be used in ratio-control loops
- Dealing with control valves, which are subject to long dead times, and how to get around this
- Dealing with a control valve that has been installed in a process, which responds in a non-linear fashion, and which has different Process Gains in different regions
- Making use of a PLC, to implement the required control of a control valve
- Day Five
- Pump definition, pump categories: dynamic and displacement reciprocating & rotary
- Centrifugal pumps: theory of operation of a centrifugal pump, casings and diffusers, radial thrust, hydrostatic pressure tests
- Impeller, axial thrust, axial thrust in multistage pumps, hydraulic balancing devices, balancing drums, balancing disks
- Centrifugal pumps general performance characteristics, cavitations, net positive suction head and requirements
- Engineering of system requirements, fluid type, system head curves, alternate modes of operation, margins, wear, future system changes
- Selection of pump and driver, pump characteristics, code requirements, fluid characteristics, pump materials, driver type
- Pump specification, specification types, data sheet, codes and standards, bidding documents, technical specification, commercial terms, special considerations, performance testing, pump drivers
- Special control requirements, drawing and data requirements form, quality assurance and quality control, bidding and negotiation
- Public and private sector, bid list, evaluation of bids, cost, efficiency, economic life, spare parts, guarantee/warranty, simple bid evaluation
The Discount
10% in case of Three P. (or more)