Information Technology & IT Security

Code Date City Fees Register
IS005 June 2, 2024 - June 6, 2024 Cairo - EGYPT $ 4000

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IS005 September 29, 2024 - October 3, 2024 Online $ 1500

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IS005 December 1, 2024 - December 5, 2024 Dubai – UAE $ 5000

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IS005 March 24, 2025 - March 26, 2025 Basel $ 3000

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  • By the end of this Course participants will be able to:
  • How to dealing with Operating Systems , e-Office Tools , E-communication, E-Collaboration ,Web and Mobility Services .
  • Analyze your exposure to security threats and protect your organization’s systems and data
  • Reduce your susceptibility to an attack by deploying firewalls and data encryption
  • Assess alternative user and host authentication mechanisms
  • Manage risks emanating from inside the organization and from the Internet
  • Protect network users from hostile applications and viruses
  • Identify the security risks that need to be addressed within your organization

The Delegates

Network system administrators network engineers, IT personnel, IT security and IT security auditing, technical IT management , financial controllers, directors & managers, company advisors , corporate finance officers & strategic planners, accounting personnel & corporate officers, securities analysts, applications analysts, network analyst, project analysts, server analysts, application developers.


  • Introduction and Course overview.
  • Building a Secure Organization
  • Real threats that impact cyber security
  • Hackers inside and out
  • Eavesdropping
  • Spoofing
  • Sniffing
  • Trojan horses
  • Viruses
  • Wiretaps
  • A cyber security policy: the foundation of your protection
  • Defining your information assurance objectives
  • Assessing your exposure
  • A Cryptography Primer
  • Securing data with symmetric encryption
  • Choosing your algorithm: DES, AES, RC4 and others
  • Assessing key length and key distribution
  • Solving key distribution issues with asymmetric encryption
  • Generating keys
  • Encrypting with RSA
  • PGP and GnuPG
  • Evaluating Web of Trust and PKI
  • Ensuring integrity with hashes
  • Hashing with MD5 and SHA
  • Protecting data in transit
  • Building the digital signature
  • Verifying User and Host Identity
  • Assessing traditional static password schemes
  • Creating a good quality password policy to prevent password guessing and cracking
  • Protecting against social engineering attacks
  • Encrypting passwords to mitigate the impact of password sniffing
  • Evaluating strong authentication methods
  • Challenge-response to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks
  • Preventing password replay using one-time and tokenized passwords
  • Employing biometrics as part of two-factor authentication
  • Authenticating hosts
  • Shortcomings of IP addresses
  • Address-spoofing issues and countermeasures
  • Solutions for wireless networks
  • Preventing System Intrusions
  • Discovering system vulnerabilities
  • Searching for operating system holes
  • Discovering file permission issues
  • Limiting access via physical security
  • Encrypting files for confidentiality
  • Encryption with application-specific tools
  • Recovering encrypted data
  • Hardening the operating system
  • Locking down user accounts
  • Securing administrator’s permissions
  • Protecting against viruses
  • Guarding Against Network Intrusions
  • Scanning for vulnerabilities
  • Restricting access to critical services
  • Preventing buffer overflows
  • Reducing denial-of-service (DoS) attacks
  • Securing DNS
  • Limiting the impact of common attacks
  • Deploying firewalls to control network traffic
  • Contrasting firewall architectures
  • Preventing intrusions with filters
  • Implementing cyber security policy
  • Building network firewalls
  • Evaluating firewall features
  • Selecting an architecture and a personal firewall
  • Ensuring Network Confidentiality
  • Threats from the LAN
  • Sniffing the network
  • Mitigating threats from connected hosts
  • Partitioning the network to prevent data leakage
  • Identifying wireless LAN vulnerabilities
  • Confidentiality on external connections
  • Ensuring confidentiality with encryption
  • Securing data-link layer with PPTP and L2TP
  • Middleware information assurance with SSL and TLS
  • Deploying SSH (the Secure Shell)
  • Protecting data with IPSec
  • Authenticating remote locations
  • Tunnelling traffic between sites
  • Exchanging keys
  • Managing Your Organization’s Security
  • Developing a security plan
  • Responding to incidents
  • Enumerating the six critical steps

Course summary.

The Discount

10% in case of Three P. (or more)
