Code | Date | City | Fees | Register |
H011 | May 26, 2024 - May 30, 2024 | Lisbon | $ 5000 |
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H011 | August 11, 2024 - August 15, 2024 | Online | $ 1500 |
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H011 | November 3, 2024 - November 14, 2024 | Dubai – UAE | $ 9000 |
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H011 | February 9, 2025 - February 13, 2025 | Dubai – UAE | $ 5000 |
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- By the end of this Course participants will be able to:
- Develop, promote & communicate an effective health & safety culture in an organization
- Identify the key features of a health & safety policy, the preparations & performance review of a health & safety audit
- Understand the importance of proactive & reactive health & safety monitoring measures
- Identify hazards in the workplace & carry out risk assessments, record findings & review procedures
- Advise on strategies for controlling hazards, reducing risks & applying safe systems of work
- Identify fire hazards & consequential risks, advice on measures to minimize fire risks & develop fire procedures
- Identify ill health effects of physical processes of work & the environment & recommend suitable measures to combat risks
- Explain the processes & procedures for investigating & reporting accidents at work
The Delegates
Occupational Health and Safety Professionals, Safety Consultants, Safety Officers, Operating and Staff Managers, Loss Prevention Managers, Engineers, Environmental & Quality Managers .
- Foundations in health and safety
- Introduction to Health and Safety Key Terms
- The scope and nature of occupational health and safety
- Moral/Social/Economic arguments for maintaining safety standards
- The role of national governments and international bodies in formulating a framework for the regulation of health and safety
- Typical frameworks for regulating H&S
- International standards and conventions & the role of the ILO
- Health and safety management systems 1 – Plan
- The key elements of a Health and Safety Management System
- The importance of setting policy for health and safety
- The purpose of a health and safety policy
- Aims and objectives
- The key features and appropriate content of an organisation’s health and safety policy
- Health and safety management systems 2 – Do
- The health and safety roles and responsibilities of employers, managers, workers and other relevant parties
- Contractors
- Health and safety culture
- Behavioural Safety
- Risk assessment
- Hierarchy of risk reduction
- Preventive and protective measures
- Sources of Health and safety information
- Safe systems of work
- Work permit systems
- Emergencies – First Aid
- Health and safety management systems 3 – Check
- Active and reactive health and safety monitoring procedures
- Inspections, Safety tours and Safety Sampling
- Investigating incidents (accidents, work related ill health, near misses)
- Investigating procedure
- Immediate and Root causes
- The legal and organisational requirements for recording and reporting incidents
- Health and safety management systems 4 – Act
- The scope and nature of a health and safety audit
- Internal Audits – External Audits
- Inspections and Audits the differences
- The purpose and procedures for regular reviews of H&S performance
- Assessing opportunities for improvement and need for change
- The role of Boards, CEOs, MDs and Senior Managers
- Workplace hazards and risk control
- Health, welfare and work environment requirements
- Violence at work
- Substance misuse at work
- Safe movement of people in the workplace
- Working at height
- Impact of temporary works
- Transport hazards and risk control
- Safe movement of vehicles in the workplace
- Hazards, risks and control measures for workplace transport operations
- Control measures to reduce work-related driving risks.
- Safe vehicles & Drivers
- Driving at Work
- Electrical Safety
- Principles of electricity
- Hazards, risks and danger of electricity
- Electrical fires and common causes
- Control measures
- Advantages and limitations of protective systems
- Fire Safety
- Fire initiation, classification and spread
- Fire risk assessment
- Fire prevention and prevention of fire spread
- Fire alarm system and fire-fighting arrangements
- Evacuation of a workplace
- Chemical and biological health hazards and risk control
- Forms of, classification of, and health risks from hazardous substances
- Assessment of health risks
- Occupational exposure limits
- Control measures
- Specific agents
- Safe handling and storage of waste
- Physical and psychological health hazards and risk control
- Noise
- Vibration
- Radiation
Course summary.
The Discount
10% in case of Three P. (or more)