Code | Date | City | Fees | Register |
T035 | May 19, 2024 - May 23, 2024 | Dubai – UAE | $ 5000 |
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T035 | August 25, 2024 - August 29, 2024 | Online | $ 1500 |
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T035 | November 17, 2024 - November 21, 2024 | Lisbon | $ 5000 |
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T035 | February 16, 2025 - February 20, 2025 | Cairo - EGYPT | $ 4000 |
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- By the end of this Course participants will be able to:
- To highlight the function and significance of pipelines in providing safe and reliable performance over their entire life
- To present a concise overview of oil and gas processing facilities to better understand the types and characteristics of the fluids that are transported by pipelines and their impact on the design and integrity of the pipelines.
- To provide a clear understanding of the fundamentals of hydraulics and fluid flow and their application in the hydraulic design of oil and gas pipeline systems.
- To provide methodologies for the mechanical design of pipelines in accordance with industry codes ASME B31.4 and B31.8 and best practices.
- To discuss the key elements of pipeline integrity management based on best industry practices and standards (ASME B31.8S, API 1160); in-line inspection using smart pigs (API 1163), fitness-for-service assessment (ASME B31G, RSTRENG, etc), and repair/rehabilitation options.
The Delegates
- The course is intended to benefit pipeline design and project engineers as well as operations maintenance professionals, managers and supervisors involved in the operation, inspection, maintenance, and repair of oil and gas pipeline systems including pump and compressor stations.
- The course will be also beneficial to recent engineering graduates who work in the oil and gas industry.
- Introduction .
- Function and Significance of Oil and Gas Pipelines
- Overview and basic fundamentals
- Historical background
- Significance of pipelines in transportation of oil & gas
- The Rationale of the Crisis Manager
- Pipeline systems types and applications
- Gathering pipelines (flowlines)
- Transportation pipelines
- Distribution pipelines
- Pipelines in context of production and refining
- Overview of oil and gas production processes and facilities
- Overview of petroleum refining
- Pipeline system components
- Piping
- Pumping/Compression stations
- Block valve/Regulator stations
- Metering stations
- Pig launching and receiving facilities
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems
- Codes and standards related to pipelines
- Types and manufacture of line pipe
- Common specifications (ASTM, ASME, API, NACE)
- Materials of construction
- Hydraulic Design of Oil and Gas Pipelines
- Fundamentals of hydraulics and fluid flow in pipelines
- Life cycle cost considerations – optimizing initial investment and energy costs
- Hydraulic design considerations for oil pipeline systems
- Design basis
- Route selection
- Pipe sizing and hydraulic profile
- Pumping stations – sizing, number and location of pump stations
- Hydraulic design considerations for gas pipelines
- Design basis
- Route selection
- Pipe sizing and hydraulic profile
- Compressor stations
- Mechanical Design of Oil and Gas Pipelines
- Fundamentals of mechanical design of pressure piping
- Pressure integrity – stresses due to fluid pressure
- Mechanical integrity – bending and thermal stresses
- Design considerations to avoid failure in steel transmission pipelines
- Guidelines for the design of buried pipelines
- Stress analysis in underground (buried) pipeline
- Design and construction codes and best practices
- Materials of construction for pipeline system
- Impact of service conditions on material selection
- common material specifications (API 5L)
- Pipeline Operation and Integrity Management
- Pipeline instrumentation and operation
- Flow measurement, proving devices, leak detection.
- Pipeline monitoring and SCADA systems.
- Damage mechanisms affecting pipelines
- Metal loss due to corrosion and erosion
- Mechanical damage due to construction and encroachment– dents, gauges, wrinkles, scrapes
- Cracking – sheer cracks, ductile tearing, fatigue cracks, SCC
- Looking after yourself and your staff
- Pipeline integrity management (PIM) – Key components
- Threat Identification/Risk Assessment – API 1160, ASME B31.8S, NACE RP 0102
- Remediation/Prevention
- Management of change
- Integrity management software for pipelines
- Benchmarking pipeline integrity management activities
- In-line inspection of pipelines (pipeline pigging)
- Types, application, and selection
- Best industry practices – API 1163 In-line inspection systems qualification standard
- Corrosion protection and control in oil and gas pipelines
- Corrosion inhibitors
- Coating and lining – holidays, disbondment
- Cathodic protection of pipelines – types and fundamentals
- Pipeline Fitness-For-Service Assessments, Repair & Rehabilitation
- Assessment of defects in pipelines
- Overview of fitness-for-service assessment
- Factors to consider when evaluating damage on pipelines
- Best industry practices for Fitness-for-service (FFS) assessments
- NACE RP 0502 –2002–Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology
- NACE RP 0204 –2004–Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Direct Assessment Methodology
- DNV Recommended practice RP F101 corroded pipelines
- Pipeline Repair and Rehabilitation
- External repair of pipelines
- Hot-tapping on pipelines, piping and equipment
- Internal repair of pipelines
The Discount
10% in case of Three P. (or more)